October 17, 2023
Markets are a vital part of Middle Eastern countries. They are primarily located in the city centre. Each market focuses on products from spices, fresh fruits, and vegetables to clothes, carpets and gold. Amman’s markets are the heart of the city,...
September 22, 2023
For my visit to Jordan, I was initially thinking of mainly using the hotel’s wifi and data roaming only when necessary. However, I immediately changed my mind when I saw the outrageous price of 6 GBP for 1MB. From the wide range of eSIM products...
August 17, 2023
Who hasn’t heard about ancient Petra? Many tourists visit the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan annually to visit Petra. The capital, Amman, also offers a glimpse into history and has much to offer to tourists. Disclaimer: Some links in this article contain...
May 23, 2023
Petra in Jordan is one of the world’s most fascinating and least-explored archaeological sites. Hidden in the rocks and surrounded by diverse nature, this ancient civilization used to be an essential trading centre during the ancient period. Today,...
April 25, 2023
One of the reasons I like to travel is the food. Before each trip, I prepare a list of dishes I would like to try while exploring the country. At the same time, it will help me avoid foods that contain milk and cream. I would recommend this to anyone...
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