The Legendary Peeing Statues of Brussels

When in Brussels, why stop by just to visit the famous Manneken Pis? The question kept running through my mind as I walked from the Flower carpet towards the famous statue. I had seen the pictures online of this famous statue, but I was still excited to see it in person. However, little did I know that there were two more statues in Brussels that I had to see.

Manneken Pis

I was excited about what I would see when walking towards Rue de l’Étuve/Stoofstraat and Rue du Chêne/Eikstraat. And there it was, the famous Manneken Pis statue. The statue was much smaller than I had expected, but it was still a sight. However, I was surprised to see the iron bars around it.

The history of the Manneken Pis dates back to the 14th century when a foreign power besieged Brussels. A young boy named Julianske bravely climbed a tree and urinated on the enemy, which caused them to flee. The people of Brussels were so grateful that they erected a statue of the boy urinating, which they called Manneken Pis.

Famous pissing statue in Brussels

Zinneke Pis

As I was taking pictures of the statue, I overheard some tourists talking about another statue of a peeing dog. I was intrigued and decided to find it. A quick search on Google led me to Rue de Chartreux 31h, where I found the statue of Zinneke Pis, also known as Het Zinneke. This statue was much less known than Manneken Pis but was just as fascinating. It depicted a dog lifting its leg and urinating against a post.

The statue of Zinneke Pis was erected in 1998. Its name Zinneke comes from a Brussels dialect word that refers to a mongrel dog, a mix of different breeds. Tom Frantzen created this statue to represent the spirit of Brussels, which is diverse and multicultural.

Zinneke Pis
Less famous Zinneke

Jeanneke Pis

After seeing the statue of Zinneke Pis, I was determined to find the last of the peeing statues in Brussels – Jeanneke Pis. It took me a while to find it as it was hidden away in a small alley called Impasse de la Fidélité/Getrouwheidsgangher. But with some help from fellow tourists, I finally found it. Just like her boyfriend, Jeanneke Pis was protected by iron bars.

The statue of Jeanneke Pis was created in 1985 by Denis-Adrien Debouvrie. The statue was created as a response to the success of Manneken Pis and also to represent the spirit of Brussels. It depicts a little girl squatting and urinating.

Jeanneke Pis
Well hidden Jeanneke

The peeing statues of Brussels may seem strange to some, but they are a part of the city’s history and culture. They are symbols of the city as well as their resilience and humour. The three statues represent different aspects of Brussels and its people and are worth visiting.

In conclusion, if you are ever in Brussels, do not miss the opportunity to visit the famous Manneken Pis. But also explore the lesser-known statues of Zinneke Pis and Jeanneke Pis. These statues may not be as well-known, but they are just as fascinating and tell the story of Brussels in their unique way.

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